Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I have no idea what I am writing, but I feel like doing it. Um...Oh, I need prayers for my mother. The doctors say she is too big, for only six months pregnant. They are going to check the baby, and see if he's fine.


Zoe said...

Okay, I will pray for you.

Shelby said...

Me too, definitely.

Calsie Rael said...

I will pray too.

Elegance said...

aww, ur mom's pregnant! That's cool. Well, I'll pray 4 her!k, l8er

Shelby said...

Who doesn't like Rebecca St. James's music??? It's AMAZING!!!!!

Sarah said...

I like Rebecca St. James too, but I haven't heard a lot of her songs.
Oh, and Skylar, I'll be prayin for your mom too. *wink*

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